Direzione Infrastrutturee Servizi (ISER)
Burnout as an occupational disease: A gender issue?
2019-01-01 Salerno, S.
Commuting accidents while walking: A women occupational risk
2021-01-01 Salerno, S.; Giliberti, C.
Gender and country of birth inequalities in occupational diseases compensation rate in Italy: Inail data base analysis (2010-2013) [Ineguaglianze per genere e per Paese di nascita nel riconoscimento delle malattie professionali in Italia: Analisi dalla banca dati statistica inail (2010-2013)]
2018-01-01 Salerno, S.
Gender differences and commuting accidents in Italy: INAIL Data Base analysis on fatalities (2009-2013) [Differenze di genere negli infortuni in itinere: analisi dei casi mortali dalla Banca Dati Statistica INAIL (2009-2013)]
2016-01-01 Salerno, S.
Mental health and hospital work: Hospital unit, age and gender risk analysis towards good practices for nurses health [Salute mentale in ospedale: Analisi delle condizioni di rischio per reparto, età e genere orientata alla costruzione di buone pratiche per la salute delle infermiere]
2015-01-01 Salerno, S.
Non-vehicle commuting in Italy: need for ergonomic action for women's lower limbs?
2020-01-01 Salerno, S.; Giliberti, C.
The contribution of Italian migrant women in the New World to health and safety at work
2018-01-01 Salerno, S.
Universal Expositions, physics-chemistry and new occupational diseases: The case of Marie Sklodowska Curie and radium girls [Esposizioni universali, la fisica-chimica e le nuove malattie da lavoro: Il caso di Marie Sklodowska Curie e le ragazze del radio]
2017-01-01 Salerno, S.
Upper and Lower Limb Work Injuries: A Question of Sex or Gender?
2021-01-01 Salerno, S.; Giliberti, C.
When being a woman represents a major risk of commuting accidents?
2019-01-01 Salerno, S.
Women, work and health between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries from a national and international perspective
2014-01-01 Salerno, S.
Women’s wrist and elbow at work: analysis of acute injuries and cumulative trauma disorders to improve ergonomics in female-dominated activities
2022-01-01 Salerno, S.; Giliberti, C.
«Surviving monotony and repetitiveness at Hawthorne Works: The case of Geraldina “Jennie” Sirchio (1907-1992) and the other migrant girls in the test-room»
2020-01-01 Salerno, S.