Dipartimento Sostenibilità dei Sistemi Produttivi e Territoriali (SSPT)
15 - Stationary and Mobile Low-Cost Gas Sensor-Systems for Air Quality Monitoring Applications
2015-01-01 Suriano, D.; Prato, M.; Pfister, V.; Cassano, G.; Camporeale, G.; Dipinto, S.; Penza, M.
20 - The Case-Study of the RES-NOVAE National Project: Low-Cost Sensor-Systems for Urban Air Quality Monitoring
2016-01-01 Suriano, D.; Prato, M.; Pfister, V.; Cassano, G.; Dipinto, S.; Penza, M.
A case-study of microsensors for landfill air-pollution monitoring applications
2015-01-01 Pfister, V.; Cassano, G.; Suriano, D.; Penza, M.
A collision avoidance system for underwater robots
2006-01-01 Suriano, D.
A gas sensor array for environmental air monitoring: A study case of application of artificial neural networks
2011-01-01 Penza, M.; Suriano, D.; Cassano, G.; Rossi, R.; Alvisi, M.; Pfister, V.; Trizio, L.; Brattoli, M.; De Gennaro, G.
A portable air quality monitoring unit and a modular, flexible tool for on-field evaluation and calibration of low-cost gas sensors
2021-01-01 Suriano, Domenico
A portable air quality monitoring unit and a modular, flexible tool for on-field evaluation and calibration of low-cost gas sensors
2021-01-01 Suriano, D.
A portable gas sensor system for air quality monitoring
2014-01-01 Suriano, D.; Cassano, G.; Penza, M.
A portable gas sensor system for environmental monitoring and malodours control: Data assessment of an experimental campaign
2011-01-01 Penza, M.; Suriano, D.; Cassano, G.; Rossi, R.; Alvisi, M.; Pfister, V.; Trizio, L.; Brattoli, M.; Amodio, M.; De Gennaro, G.
A portable sensor system for air pollution monitoring and malodours olfactometric control
2012-01-01 Suriano, D.; Rossi, R.; Alvisi, M.; Cassano, G.; Pfister, V.; Penza, M.; Trizio, L.; Brattoli, M.; Amodio, M.; De Gennaro, G.
Air Quality Monitoring in a Near-City Industrial Zone by Low-Cost Sensor Technologies: A Case Study
2023-01-01 Suriano, Domenico; Prato, Mario; Penza, Michele
An Investigation on the Possible Application Areas of Low-Cost PM Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring
2023-01-01 Suriano, Domenico; Prato, Mario
Application of artificial neural networks to a gas sensor-array database for environmental monitoring
2012-01-01 Trizio, L.; Brattoli, M.; De Gennaro, G.; Suriano, D.; Rossi, R.; Alvisi, M.; Cassano, G.; Pfister, V.; Penza, M.
Application of Low-Cost Sensors in Stationary and Mobile Nodes for Urban Air Quality Index Monitoring
2023-01-01 Penza, Michele; Pfister, Valerio; Suriano, Domenico; Dipinto, Sebastiano; Prato, Mario; Cassano, Gennaro
Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir joint exercise
2016-01-01 Penza, M.; Dipinto, S.; Prato, M.; Pfister, V.; Suriano, D.; Esposito, E.; De Vito, S.
Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir Joint Exercise – Part II
2018-01-01 Borrego, C.; Ginja, J.; Coutinho, M.; Ribeiro, C.; Karatzas, K.; Sioumis, Th; Katsifarakis, N.; Konstantinidis, K.; De Vito, S.; Esposito, E.; Salvato, M.; Smith, P.; André, N.; Gérard, P.; Francis, L. A.; Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Viana, M.; Minguillón, M. C.; Reimringer, W.; Otjes, R. P.; von Sicard, O.; Pohle, R.; Elen, B.; Suriano, D.; Pfister, V.; Prato, M.; Dipinto, S.; Penza, M.
Assessment of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Air Quality Index (AQI) in Eight Locations of Lagos State, Nigeria
2024-01-01 Suriano, Domenico; Akinnusotu, Akinyinka; Olawale Abulude, Francis; Dare Oluwagbayide, Samuel
Assessment of the Performance of a Low-Cost Air Quality Monitor in an Indoor Environment through Different Calibration Models
2022-01-01 Suriano, D.; Penza, M.
Design and Development of a Flexible, Plug-and-Play, Cost-Effective Tool for on-Field Evaluation of Gas Sensors
2020-01-01 Suriano, D.; Cassano, G.; Penza, M.
Design and Development of an Electronic Board for Supporting the Operation of Electrochemical Gas Sensors
2024-01-01 Suriano, Domenico