Sfoglia per Autore NAVA, ELISABETTA
Design of a Facility for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy by MCNP in Fast Reactors
1997-05-19 Zanarini, M.; Rossi, M.; Rosi, G.; Nava, E.; Chirco, P.; Burn, K. W.; Alfinito, M.; Agosteo, S.; Casali, F.
Optimization of Variance Reduction Parameters in Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Calculations to a Number of Responses of Interest
1997-05-19 Nava, E.; Burn, K. W.
TAPIRO and TRIGA ENEA's Reactors as Neutron Source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
1998-02-24 Tinti, R.; Rosi, G.; Nava, E.; Festinesi, A.; Casali, F.; Agosteo, S.
Use of an Innovative Monte Carlo Technique to Calculate Neutron Spectra in BNCT - Application to the TAPIRO Reactor
1998-02-24 Nava, E.; Burn, K. W.
Three-Dimensional Measurement of Absorbed Dose in BNCT by Fricke-Gel-Phantom Imaging
1999-06-14 Tinti, R.; Rosi, G.; Rosa, R.; Pecci, A.; Palazzi, P.; Nava, E.; Marchesi, P.; Agosteo, S.; Gambarini, G.
Design of Neutron Beams for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy in a Fast Reactor
1999-06-14 Rosi, G.; Nava, E.; Gambarini, G.; Festinesi, A.; Burn, K. W.; Agosteo, S.; Casalini, L.; Tinti, R.
Radioterapia per cattura neutronica del boro
1999-07-01 Tinti, R.; Nava, E.; Gambarini, G.; Casali, F.; Capannesi, G.; Burn, K. W.; Agosteo, S.; Merlone, A.; Mattioda, F.
Neutron Flux Characterisation in the Thermal Column of a Fast Research Reactor
1999-09-12 Rosi, G.; Pecci, A.; Palazzi, P.; Nava, E.; Marchesi, P.; Gambarini, G.; Tinti, R.
Discrimination of Various Contributions to the Absorbed Dose in BNCT: Fricke-Gel Imaging and Intercomparison with other Experimental Results and Simulations
1999-10-03 Tinti, R.; Rosi, G.; Pecci, A.; Palazzi, P.; Nava, E.; Marchesi, P.; Agosteo, S.; Gambarini, G.
Imaging and Profiling of Absorbed Dose in a Tissue-Equivalent Gel-Phantom Exposed to Epithermal Neutrons
2000-10-02 Tinti, R.; Nava, E.; Rosi, G.; Palazzi, P.; Mauri, M.; Agosteo, S.; Gambarini, G.
Dose Imaging and Profiling for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Planning
2000-10-15 Tinti, R.; Rosi, G.; Nava, E.; Mauri, M.; Lietti, B.; Garbellini, F.; Danesi, U.; Agosteo, S.; Gambarini, G.
Variance Reduction with Multiple Responses
2000-10-23 Nava, E.; Gualdrini, G.; Burn, K. W.
Monte Carlo Calculation of the Power Distribution in the PDS-xADS at BoL and EoL E. Nava, K. W. Burn - (FIS - NUC)
2003-12-09 Burn, K.; Nava, E.
Characterisation of the TAPIRO BNCT thermal facility
2004-01-01 Nava, E.
Evaluation of the Radiation Damage and Neutron Flux Spectra within the PDS-xADS Reactor at Bol
2004-01-16 Burn, K.; Nava, E.
Contractual Deliverable DS8 (WP4.1) Evaluation of Radiation Damage and Circuit Activation of the LBE-Cooled XADS
2004-01-20 Petrovich, C.; Nava, E.; Burn, K.
An epithermal facility for treating brain gliomas at the TAPIRO reactor
2004-11-01 Tinti, R.; Sarotto, M.; Petrovich, C.; Nava, E.; Casalini, L.; Burn, K. W.
Sviluppo di un modello più dettagliato del nocciolo del reattore TAPIRO e successiva rivalutazione della sorgente neutronica
2005-04-07 Nava, E.
Alcuni risultati neutronici del nocciolo del reattore TAPIRO per un'indagine di danneggiamento strutturale
2005-04-08 Nava, E.; Burn, K.
Shielding calculations for a 100 MeV 30 mA proton beam
2005-12-01 Tecchio, L.; Petrovich, C.; Nava, E.; Casalini, L.; Burn, k. W.
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