Dipartimento Tecnologie Energetiche (DTE)
A new generation of power supplies for pulsed loads
2019-01-01 Lampasi, A.; Tenconi, S.; Taddia, G.; Gherdovich, F.; Rinaldi, L.
An innovative concept of a thermal energy storage system based on a single tank configuration using stratifying molten salts as both heat storage medium and heat transfer fluid, and with an integrated steam generator
2013-01-01 Tarquini, P.; Rinaldi, L.; Fontana, F.; Fabrizi, F.; Gaggioli, W.
Analysis of a helical coil once-through molten salt steam generator: Experimental results and heat transfer evaluation
2016-01-01 Rinaldi, L.; Gaggioli, W.
CFD model of a molten salt tank with integrated steam generator
2013-01-01 Fabrizi, F.; Rinaldi, L.; Gaggioli, W.
Effects assessment of 10 functioning years on the main components of the molten salt PCS experimental facility of ENEA
2016-01-01 Fabrizi, F.; Tarquini, P.; Rinaldi, L.; Di Ascenzi, P.; Gaggioli, W.
Experimental tests about the cooling/freezing of the molten salts in the receiver tubes of a solar power plant with parabolic trough
2017-01-01 Di Ascenzi, P.; Rinaldi, L.; Fabrizi, F.; Gaggioli, W.
Experimental Validation of the Innovative Thermal Energy Storage Based on an Integrated System "storage Tank/Steam Generator"
2015-01-01 Rinaldi, L.; Tarquini, P.; Fabrizi, F.; Gaggioli, W.
Relazione Tecnica relativa alla realizzazione di strumentazione per la determinazione delle proprietà termofisiche di una miscela di sali fusi
2010-09-28 Sau, S.; Rinaldi, L.