Dipartimento Sostenibilità dei Sistemi Produttivi e Territoriali (SSPT)  

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A comparison of Microtops II and satellite ozone measurements in the period 2001-2011 1-gen-2013 Sferlazzo, D.; di Sarra, A.; Gómez-Amo, J. L.
Air-sea interaction in the central mediterranean sea: Assessment of reanalysis and satellite observations 1-gen-2021 Marullo, S.; Pitarch, J.; Bellacicco, M.; Di Sarra, A. G.; Meloni, D.; Monteleone, F.; Sferlazzo, D.; Artale, V.; Santoleri, R.
Altitude-resolved shortwave and longwave radiative effects of desert dust in the Mediterranean during the GAMARF campaign: Indications of a net daily cooling in the dust layer 1-gen-2015 Sferlazzo, D. M.; Pace, G.; Di Iorio, T.; De Silvestri, L.; Di Sarra, A.
Application of a common methodology to select in situ CO2 observations representative of the atmospheric background to an Italian collaborative network 1-gen-2021 Trisolino, P.; di Sarra, A.; Sferlazzo, D.; Piacentino, S.; Monteleone, F.; Di Iorio, T.; Apadula, F.; Heltai, D.; Lanza, A.; Vocino, A.; di Torchiarolo, L. C.; Bonasoni, P.; Calzolari, F.; Busetto, M.; Cristofanelli, P.
Assessing the quality of shortwave and longwave irradiance observations over the ocean: One year of high-time-resolution measurements at the lampedusa oceanographic observatory 1-gen-2019 Di Sarra, A.; Bommarito, C.; Anello, F.; Di Iorio, T.; Meloni, D.; Monteleone, F.; Pace, G.; Piacentino, S.; Sferlazzo, D.
Atmospheric deposition of organic matter at a remote site in the central Mediterranean Sea: Implications for the marine ecosystem 1-gen-2020 Galletti, Y.; Becagli, S.; Di Sarra, A.; Gonnelli, M.; Pulido-Villena, E.; M. Sferlazzo, D.; Traversi, R.; Vestri, S.; Santinelli, C.
Biogenic aerosol in the Arctic from eight years of MSA data from Ny Ålesund (Svalbard Islands) and Thule (Greenland) 1-gen-2019 Becagli, S.; Amore, A.; Caiazzo, L.; Di Iorio, T. D.; di Sarra, A.; Lazzara, L.; Marchese, C.; Meloni, D.; Mori, G.; Muscari, G.; Nuccio, C.; Pace, G.; Severi, M.; Traversi, R.
Characterization of PM10 sources in the central Mediterranean 1-gen-2015 Sferlazzo, D. M.; Anello, F.; Monteleone, F.; Bommarito, C.; Meloni, D.; Pace, G.; Di Sarra, A.
Constraining the ship contribution to the aerosol of the central Mediterranean 1-gen-2017 Massimiliano Sferlazzo, D.; Pace, G.; Monteleone, F.; Di Sarra, A.; Di Iorio, T.; Anello, F.
Determination of global and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation from a multifilter shadowband radiometer 1-gen-2016 Pace, G.; Meloni, D.; Di Sarra, A.; Trisolino, P.
Determination of Photosynthetically Active Radiation from multi-filter rotating shadowband measurements: Method and validation based on observations at Lampedusa (35.5°N, 12.6°E) 1-gen-2017 Sferlazzo, D.; Monteleone, F.; Anello, F.; Pace, G.; Meloni, D.; Di Sarra, A.
Determination of stratospheric temperature and density by GOMOS: Verification with respect to high latitude LIDAR profiles from Thule, Greenland 1-gen-2017 Pace, G.; Di Biagio, C.; Di Sarra, A.
Determining the infrared radiative effects of Saharan dust: A radiative transfer modelling study based on vertically resolved measurements at Lampedusa 1-gen-2018 Sferlazzo, D. M.; Pace, G.; Di Iorio, T.; De Silvestri, L.; Meloni, D.; Di Sarra, A.
Does solar ultraviolet radiation play a role in COVID-19 infection and deaths? An environmental ecological study in Italy 1-gen-2021 Isaia, G.; Diemoz, H.; Maluta, F.; Fountoulakis, I.; Ceccon, D.; di Sarra, A.; Facta, S.; Fedele, F.; Lorenzetto, G.; Siani, A. M.; Isaia, G.
Dust aerosol radiative effects during summer 2012 simulated with a coupled regional aerosol-atmosphere-ocean model over the Mediterranean 1-gen-2015 Di Sarra, A.
Empirical correction of multifilter rotating shadowband radiometer (MFRSR) aerosol optical depths for the aerosol forward scattering and development of a long-term integrated MFRSR-Cimel dataset at Lampedusa 1-gen-2015 Piacentino, S.; Pace, G.; Monteleone, F.; Di Iorio, T.; De Silvestri, L.; Bommarito, C.; Anello, F.; Meloni, D.; Sferlazzo, D.; Di Sarra, A.
European radiometry buoy and infrastructure (EURYBIA): A contribution to the design of the European copernicus infrastructure for ocean colour system vicarious calibration 1-gen-2020 Liberti, G. L.; D'Alimonte, D.; di Sarra, A.; Mazeran, C.; Voss, K.; Yarbrough, M.; Bozzano, R.; Cavaleri, L.; Colella, S.; Cesarini, C.; Kajiyama, T.; Meloni, D.; Pomaro, A.; Volpe, G.; Yang, C.; Zagolski, F.; Santoleri, R.
Evidence for heavy fuel oil combustion aerosols from chemical analyses at the island of Lampedusa: A possible large role of ships emissions in the Mediterranean 1-gen-2012 Becagli, S.; Sferlazzo, D. M.; Pace, G.; Di Sarra, A.; Bommarito, C.; Calzolai, G.; Ghedini, C.; Lucarelli, F.; Meloni, D.; Monteleone, F.; Severi, M.; Traversi, R.; Udisti, R.
Factors controlling atmospheric DMS and its oxidation products (MSA and nssSO42-) in the aerosol at Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica 1-gen-2022 Becagli, S.; Barbaro, E.; Bonamano, S.; Caiazzo, L.; Di Sarra, A.; Feltracco, M.; Grigioni, P.; Heintzenberg, J.; Lazzara, L.; Legrand, M.; Madonia, A.; Marcelli, M.; Melillo, C.; Meloni, D.; Nuccio, C.; Pace, G.; Park, K. -T.; Preunkert, S.; Severi, M.; Vecchiato, M.; Zangrando, R.; Traversi, R.
Global and Mediterranean climate change: A short summary 1-gen-2016 Di Sarra, A.; Sferlazzo, D.; Piacentino, S.; Pace, G.; Monteleone, F.; Meloni, D.; Contessa, G. M.