Istituto di Radioprotezione (IRP)
A Personal Neutron Monitoring System Based on CR-39 Recoil Proton Track Detectors: Assessment of Hp(10) Using Image Process Algorithms
2002-07-01 Fantuzzi, E.; Bedogni, R.
A review of the new european technical recommendations for monitoring individuals occupationally exposed to external radiation
2013-01-01 Fantuzzi, E.
Air kerma to HP(3) conversion coefficients for photons from 10 keV to 10 MeV, calculated in a cylindrical phantom.
2013-01-01 Ferrari, P.; Mariotti, F.; Fantuzzi, E.; Gualdrini, G.
Air kerma to hp(3) conversion coefficients for photons from 10 kev to mev, caliculated in a cylindrical phantom
2013-01-01 Mariotti, F.; Ferrari, P.; Fantuzzi, E.; Gualdrini, G.
An Accelerator-Based Neutron Source for BNCT of Skin Melanoma
1998-02-24 Tornielli, G.; Tinti, R.; Fantuzzi, E.; Colautti, P.; Agosteo, S.
Analysis of EURADOS neutron intercomparison results according to new ISO standards criteria
2023-01-01 Chevallier, M. -A.; Fantuzzi, E.; Hajek, M.; Mayer, S.; Tanner, R.; Thomas, D. J.; Vanhavere, F.
Aspects of harmonisation of individual monitoring for external radiation in Europe: Conclusions of a EURADOS action
2006-05-01 Fantuzzi, E.; Castellani, C. M.
Batch homogeneity of LiF(Mg,Cu,P)-GR200 and LiF(Mg,Cu,P)-MCP-NS TL detectors for use as extremity dosemeters at ENEA personal dosimetry service
2006-09-01 Mariotti, F.; Uleri, G.; Fantuzzi, E.
Characterizing a Thermal Neutron Calibration Assembly by Solid State, Nuclear Track Dosemeters and Monte Carlo Technique
1998-07-01 Fantuzzi, E.; Monteventi, F.; Burn, K. W.; Gualdrini, G.; Morelli, B.; Vilelea, E.
Comparison between ENEA and RADCARD TL Photon Cards Based on LiF:Mg,Cu,P
2008-02-01 Pelelgrini, C.; Fantuzzi, E.; Mariotti, F.; Uleri, G.
CR-39 Acceptance Test and Optimization for Fast Neutron Dosymetry Applications
2002-07-01 Togo, V.; Patrizi, L.; Falangi, G.; Morelli, B.; Fantuzzi, E.
Energy dependence of TLD-300 response from 6 keV up to 1250 keV
2002-07-01 Monteventi, F.; Fantuzzi, E.
EURADOS Annual Meeting 2008-Scientific Symposium on Achievements within the CONRAD Coordination Action, Winter School on 'Retrospective Dosimetry' and Workshop on 'Dosimetric Issues in the Medical Use of Ionizing Radiation
2008-08-01 Fantuzzi, E.
EURADOS IC2012N: EURADOS 2012 intercomparison for whole-body neutron dosimetry
2014-01-01 Fantuzzi, E.
Eurados IC2012N: Further information derived from an eurados international comparison of neutron personal dosemeters
2016-01-01 Fantuzzi, E.
Eurados intercomparisons in external radiation dosimetry: Similarities and differences among exercises for whole-body photon, whole-body neutron, extremity, eye-lens and passive area dosemeters
2016-01-01 Fantuzzi, E.
2021-01-01 Harrison, R. M.; Ainsbury, E.; Alves, J.; Bottollier-Depois, J. -F.; Breustedt, B.; Caresana, M.; Clairand, I.; Fantuzzi, E.; Fattibene, P.; Gilvin, P.; Hupe, O.; Knezevic, Z.; Lopez, M. A.; Olko, P.; Olsovcova, V.; Rabus, H.; Ruhm, W.; Silari, M.; Stolarczyk, L.; Tanner, R.; Vanhavere, F.; Vargas, A.; Woda, C.
Eurados strategic research agenda: Vision for dosimetry of ionising radiation
2016-01-01 Fantuzzi, E.
Hp(3)/f conversion coefficients for neutrons: Discussion on the basis of the new icrp recommended limit forthe eye lens
2014-01-01 Fantuzzi, E.; Gualdrini, G.; Ferrari, P.
Implementation of standards for individual monitoring in Europe
2004-07-01 Fantuzzi, E.