The Galleria Comunale d'Arte Moderna of Bologna in 1986 dedicated to Saffaro's work an anthological exhibition entitled 'The description of time'. Saffaro's research substantially revolved around the notion of symmetry and regular divisions in two, three or higher dimensional space. His geometric constructions were often suitable to be iterated by a computer, giving significant results when translated into procedures that could be executed by a CAD (Computer Aided Design) system.Overcoming in some way the finiteness of the class of regular polyhedra was one of his aspirations. To achieve this, Saffaro showed how, by rotating and intersecting copies of the same regular polyhedron, it is possible to obtain stellated polyhedra that show the same symmetry as the original.On the other hand, to build up further classes of stellated polyhedra Saffaro used stellated polygons. Highly significant from the artistic point of view are also his incursions into the fields of the deltahedra and of the tessellations of space and plane. Saffaro conceived two tessellations of the plane, whose characteristic of self-similarity makes it possible to describe them as linear fractals, that is, objects belonging to the same family as the Peano curve and von Koch's snowflake.
Saffaro, artista cui la Galleria Comunale d'Arte Moderna di Bologna ha dedicato nel 1986 la mostra antologica intitolata La descrizione del Tempo, traeva ispirazione dalla sua ricerca attorno al concetto di simmetria e di partizione regolare dello spazio, in due, tre o più dimensioni. Spesso le sue costruzioni geometriche si prestavano ad essere iterate, e davano risultati particolarmente significativi se tradotte in procedure eseguibili su un sistema CAD (Computer Aided Design).Quella di superare in qualche modo la finitezza della classe dei poliedri regolari era una sua aspirazione. A tale scopo, mostrò come mediante rotazioni e compenetrazioni di copie di un poliedro regolare si possano ottenere poliedri stellati con la stessa simmetria del poliedro di partenza.Per costruire altre famiglie di poliedri stellati, Saffaro si servì invece di poligoni stellati; assai significative sono, dal punto di vista artistico, anche la sue incursioni nel campo dei deltaedri e delle tassellature dello spazio e del piano. Fra queste ultime, Saffaro ne ideò due dotate di caratteristiche di autosimilitudine che le fanno appartenere alla famiglia dei trattati lineari, come la curva di Peano e il fiocco di neve della von Koch.
The Geometric World of Lucio Saffaro
Cavazzini, E.;
The Galleria Comunale d'Arte Moderna of Bologna in 1986 dedicated to Saffaro's work an anthological exhibition entitled 'The description of time'. Saffaro's research substantially revolved around the notion of symmetry and regular divisions in two, three or higher dimensional space. His geometric constructions were often suitable to be iterated by a computer, giving significant results when translated into procedures that could be executed by a CAD (Computer Aided Design) system.Overcoming in some way the finiteness of the class of regular polyhedra was one of his aspirations. To achieve this, Saffaro showed how, by rotating and intersecting copies of the same regular polyhedron, it is possible to obtain stellated polyhedra that show the same symmetry as the original.On the other hand, to build up further classes of stellated polyhedra Saffaro used stellated polygons. Highly significant from the artistic point of view are also his incursions into the fields of the deltahedra and of the tessellations of space and plane. Saffaro conceived two tessellations of the plane, whose characteristic of self-similarity makes it possible to describe them as linear fractals, that is, objects belonging to the same family as the Peano curve and von Koch's snowflake.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.