Dipartimento Sostenibilità dei Sistemi Produttivi e Territoriali (SSPT)
Analysis of grape production in the face of climate change
2018-03-21 Neteler, Markus; Boggia, Antonio; Gutierrez, Andrew Paul; Ponti, Luigi
Analysis of invasive insects: Links to climate change
2014-01-01 Ponti, L.
Assessing and managing the impact of climate change on invasive species: The PBDM approach
2014-01-01 Ponti, L.
Assessing the biological control of yellow starthistle ( Centaurea solstitialis L): prospective analysis of the impact of the rosette weevil ( Ceratapion basicorne (Illiger))
2017-01-01 Paul Gutierrez, Andrew; Ponti, Luigi; Cristofaro, Massimo; Smith, Lincoln; Pitcairn, Michael J.
Bio-economics of Indian hybrid Bt cotton and farmer suicides
2020-01-01 Gutierrez, A. P.; Ponti, L.; Kranthi, K. R.; Baumgartner, J.; Kenmore, P. E.; Gilioli, G.; Boggia, A.; Cure, J. R.; Rodriguez, D.
Biological invasion risk assessment of Tuta absoluta: mechanistic versus correlative methods
2021-01-01 Ponti, L.; Gutierrez, A. P.; de Campos, M. R.; Desneux, N.; Biondi, A.; Neteler, M.
Challenging the status quo in invasive species assessment using mechanistic physiologically based demographic modeling
2024-01-01 Ponti, L.; Gutierrez, A. P.
Climate change and crop-pest dynamics in the Mediterranean Basin
2016-01-01 Ponti, L.; Gutierrez, A. P.; Iannetta, M.
Co-designed agro-climate indicators identify different future climate effects for grape and olive across Europe
2024-01-01 Ceglar, Andrej; Yang, Chenyao; Toreti, Andrea; Santos, João A.; Pasqui, Massimiliano; Ponti, Luigi; Dell'Aquila, Alessandro; Graça, António
Co-production pathway of an end-to-end climate service for improved decision-making in the wine sector
2023-01-01 Terrado, M.; Marcos, R.; Gonzalez-Reviriego, N.; Vigo, I.; Nicodemou, A.; Graca, A.; Teixeira, M.; Fontes, N.; Silva, S.; Dell'Aquila, A.; Ponti, L.; Calmanti, S.; Bruno Soares, M.; Khosravi, M.; Caboni, F.
Comments on the concept of ultra-low, cryptic tropical fruit fly populations
2014-01-01 Ponti, L.
Deconstructing Indian cotton: weather, yields, and suicides
2015-01-01 Ponti, L.
Deconstructing the control of the spotted alfalfa aphid Therioaphis maculata
2013-01-01 Ponti, L.
Deconstructing the eradication of new world screwworm in North America: retrospective analysis and climate warming effects
2019-01-01 Gutierrez, A. P.; Ponti, L.; Arias, P. A.
Development and calibration of a model for the potential establishment and impact of Aedes albopictus in Europe
2020-01-01 Pasquali, S.; Mariani, L.; Calvitti, M.; Moretti, R.; Ponti, L.; Chiari, M.; Sperandio, G.; Gilioli, G.
Eradication of invasive species: Why the biology matters
2013-01-01 Ponti, L.
Fine-scale ecological and economic assessment of climate change on olive in the Mediterranean Basin reveals winners and losers
2014-01-01 Dell'Aquila, A.; Ruti, P. M.; Ponti, L.
Holistic Approach in Invasive Species Research: The Case of the Tomato Leaf Miner in the Mediterranean Basin
2015-01-01 Ponti, L.
I progetti ENEA per la sostenibilità e sovranità agroalimentare
2023-01-01 Bevivino, A.; Zoani, C.; Giuliano, G.; Crinò, Paola; Russo, C.; Pizzichini, D.; Sangiorgio, P.; Benvenuto, E.; Desiderio, A.; Giorgi, D.; Correnti, A.; Calmanti, S.; Dell'Aquila, A.; Ponti, L.; Del fiore, A.
Impact of low temperature and host plant on Tuta absoluta
2021-01-01 Campos, M. R.; Amiens-Desneux, E.; Bearez, P.; Soares, M. A.; Ponti, L.; Biondi, A.; Harwood, J. D.; Desneux, N.