Dipartimento Unità per l’Efficienza Energetica (DUEE)
An Overview on Recent Application of the Innovative Anti-Seismic Techniques and Needs for Further R&D Activity
2000-07-01 Koh, H. M.; Forni, M.; Martelli, A.
Analysis of Free- and Forced-Vibration Tests of a 394 kN Isolated Structure Mock-Up
1993-07-25 Serino, G.; Martelli, A.; Bonacina, G.
Analysis of In-Situ Forced Vibration Tests of Twin Isolated and Non-Isolated Buildings
1993-07-25 Vestroni, F.; Sobrero, E.; Pizzigalli, E.; Martelli, A.; Grassi, L.; Forni, M.; Bonacina, G.; Bettinali, F.
Applicabilità dell'Isolamento Sismico alla Protezione Sismica degli Impianti Industriali
2000-06-01 Martelli, A.
Application of Innovative Antiseismic Techniques to the Seismic Retrofit of Italian Cultural Heritage Damaged by Recent Earthquakes
1998-11-12 Carpani, B.; Arato, G. B.; Indirli, M.; Martelli, A.; Forni, M.
Application of Seismic Isolation and Passive Energy Dissipation to Italian Structures
1993-09-30 Serino, G.; Martelli, A.; Forni, M.; Bonacina, G.
Applicazione di tecnologie antisismiche innovative per l'adeguamento sismico del patrimonio culturale italiano danneggiato da terremoti recenti
1999-02-01 Martelli, A.; Indirli, M.; Forni, M.; Carpani, B.
Base Isolation
1993-12-31 Martelli, A.; Marioni, A.; Forni, M.; Bonacina, G.
Contribution of ENEA to the Development of Innovative Techniques for Improving Seismic Protection of Civil and Industrial Structures
2000-11-01 Venturi, G.; Spadoni, B.; Simoncini, M.; Rinaldis, D.; Poggianti, A.; Indirli, M.; Forni, M.; De Canio, G.; Clemente, P.; Carpani, B.; Bongiovanni, Giovanni; Bertocchi, A.; Arato, G. B.; Martelli, A.
Contribution of Italy to the Activities on Intercomparison of Analysis Methods for Seismically Isolated Nuclear Structures: Finite Element Analysis of Lead Rubber Bearing
1998-07-01 Martelli, A.; Forni, M.; Dusi, A.
Contribution of Italy to the Activities on Intercomparison of Analysis Methods for Seismically Isolated Nuclear Structures: Shake Table Tests on a Steel Structure Mock-Up
1998-07-01 Martelli, A.; Forni, M.; Dusi, A.
Design Guidelines for Buildings with Seismic Isolation
1993-08-21 Martelli, A.; Forni, M.
Development and application of innovative anti-seismic systems for the protection of cultural heritage: New achievements of ENEA
2002-01-01 Spadoni, B.; Martelli, A.; Forni, M.; Indirli, M.
Development and Application of Innovative Energy Dissipation Systems in the EC Countries - Part 1: EC Projects REEDS
1997-08-25 Martelli, A.; Forni, M.; Marioni, A.
Development and Application of the Innovative Anti-Seismic Techniques: 1) New Activities in Progress at ENEA, Italy, in the Framework of International Collaborations
2001-07-23 Welponer, A.; Spadoni, B.; Poggianti, A.; Arato, G. B.; Forni, M.; Martelli, A.
Development and Application of the Innovative Anti-Seismic Techniques: 2) New Activities in Progress at ENEA, Italu, in the Framework of National Collaborations
2001-07-23 Procaccio, A.; Capelli, C.; Bertocchi, A.; Marioni, A.; Poggianti, A.; Arato, G. B.; Indirli, M.; Forni, M.; Martelli, A.
Development and Validation of Finite Element Models of Rubber Bearings
1996-05-29 Sobrero, E.; La Grotteria, M.; Pucci, G.; Bonacina, G.; Bettinali, F.; Martelli, A.; Calabrese, R.; Forni, M.
Development of Floor Isolation Systems for Civil Buildings
2001-10-07 Cipollini, A.; Dusi, A.; Martelli, A.; Forni, M.; Antonucci, R.
Development of Guidelines for Seismic Isolation in Italy
1992-03-01 Olivieri, M.; Martelli, A.; Bonacina, G.; Bettinali, F.
Development of Innovative Anti-Seismic Passive Systems for the Protection of Industrial Structures and Components
2000-07-01 Foraboschi, F. P.; Ciampi, V.; San, T.; Pugliese, A.; Spadoni, B.; Poggianti, A.; Martelli, A.; Forni, M.