Dipartimento Fusione e Tecnologie per la Sicurezza Nucleare (FSN)
Commissioning of Circe facility for SGTR experimental investigation for HLMRS and pre-test analysis by simmer-IV code
2017-01-01 Tarantino, M.; Polazzi, G.; Gaggini, P.
Experimental fuel pin bundle characterization in the NACIE-UP HLM facility
2015-01-01 Tarantino, M.; Giannotti, D.; Laffi, L.; Sermenghi, V.; Polazzi, G.; Di Piazza, I.
Experimental tests with non-uniformly heated 19-pins fuel bundle cooled by HLM
2018-01-01 Sermenghi, V.; Polazzi, G.; Tarantino, M.; Di Piazza, I.
He-Fus3 Facility Post Test Analysis of Steady State and Transient Experiments with ATHENA Code
1999-06-07 Polazzi, G.; Dell'Orco, G.; Meloni, P.
In-loop oxygen reduction in HLM thermal-hydraulic facility NACIE-UP
2018-01-01 Tarantino, M.; Polazzi, G.; Sermenghi, V.; Antonelli, A.; Di Piazza, I.; Bassini, S.
Instrumentation upgrade and commissioning tests in the HLM facility
2016-09-19 Polazzi, Giuseppe; Cati, Stefano; Valdisserri, Massimo; Di Piazza, Ivan
Out of Pile Thermal Hydraulic Test Facility for the BIT Pin Bundle Design
1992-09-18 Polazzi, G.; Dell'Orco, G.; Cevolani, S.
Test di caratterizzazione termo-fluidodinamica sull’impianto NACIE
2017-11-28 Polazzi, G.; Sermenghi, V.; Di Piazza, Ivan; Angelucci, M.
Upgrade and experimental tests in the HLM facility nacie-up with a prototypical thermal flow meter
2016-09-19 Polazzi, Giuseppe; Sermenghi, Valerio; Di Piazza, Ivan