Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.191
EU - Europa 775
AS - Asia 355
SA - Sud America 68
AF - Africa 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 2.398
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.105
IT - Italia 253
GB - Regno Unito 167
CN - Cina 146
SE - Svezia 124
SG - Singapore 115
CA - Canada 86
HK - Hong Kong 66
BR - Brasile 61
DE - Germania 61
FI - Finlandia 49
RU - Federazione Russa 35
BE - Belgio 26
FR - Francia 24
NL - Olanda 18
IN - India 7
JP - Giappone 6
EU - Europa 4
KR - Corea 4
AR - Argentina 3
AT - Austria 3
NP - Nepal 3
RO - Romania 3
UA - Ucraina 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
GR - Grecia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
MA - Marocco 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TR - Turchia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
ES - Italia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KE - Kenya 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SN - Senegal 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 2.398
Città #
Chandler 361
Santa Clara 106
Ashburn 91
San Mateo 84
Boardman 83
Toronto 79
Rome 72
Southend 70
Hong Kong 66
New York 66
Singapore 62
Beijing 32
Berlin 31
Brussels 26
Lappeenranta 25
Helsinki 24
Genoa 20
Las Vegas 19
Milan 17
Marseille 16
Ann Arbor 14
Miami 14
Mcallen 11
Washington 11
Mountain View 10
Hanover 9
Los Angeles 9
Redwood City 9
Montréal 7
Oxford 7
Trenton 7
Nuremberg 5
Amsterdam 4
Chicago 4
Gorlago 4
Naples 4
Nepi 4
Pisa 4
Verona 4
Fiumicino 3
Garching 3
Guangzhou 3
Redmond 3
São Paulo 3
Turin 3
Borås 2
Bracciano 2
Budapest 2
Cagliari 2
Campinas 2
Chivasso 2
Chiyoda-ku 2
Ghorahi 2
Guarulhos 2
Hackney 2
Kúty 2
Livorno 2
Maslianico 2
Newham 2
Omsk 2
Ovada 2
Padova 2
Palermo 2
Recife 2
Rockville 2
San Jose 2
Sarcedo 2
Sarno 2
Shanghai 2
Timisoara 2
Xiamen 2
Aimorés 1
Alagoinhas 1
Amparo 1
Apucarana 1
Bangalore 1
Barquisimeto 1
Belo Horizonte 1
Bom Jesus do Galho 1
Bracknell 1
Butiá 1
Caieiras 1
Cambridge 1
Campogalliano 1
Canela 1
Catania 1
Changsha 1
Chongqing 1
Ciampino 1
Clifton 1
Condado 1
Contagem 1
Coronel Vivida 1
Crateús 1
Dakar 1
Dallas 1
Diadema 1
Dourados 1
Dubai 1
Enschede 1
Totale 1.590
Nome #
DTT Thermal Shield: Preliminary thermal analysis 152
Performance assessment of thick W/Cu graded interlayer for DEMO divertor target 109
ENEA ultrasonic test on plasma facing units 108
Assessment of the high heat flux performance of European DEMO divertor mock-ups 99
Thermal-hydraulic analysis for first wall and thermal shield of Divertor Tokamak test facility 92
HRP facility for fabrication of ITER vertical target divertor full scale plasma facing units 90
Fabrication route of the ANSALDO-ENEA ITER inner vertical target divertor full scale prototype 88
European divertor target concepts for DEMO: Design rationales and high heat flux performance 83
Acceptance tests of ITER vertical target divertor full scale plasma facing units fabricated by HRP 82
Design study of ITER-like divertor target for DEMO 81
The development and testing of the thermal break divertor monoblock target design delivering 20MWm-2 heat load capability 80
Ultrasonic test results before and after high heat flux testing on W-monoblock mock-ups of EU-DEMO vertical target 79
Assessment of an ITER-like water-cooled divertor for DEMO 77
Conceptual design studies for the European DEMO divertor: Rationale and first results 75
Ultrasonic test of carbon composite/copper joints in the ITER divertor 74
Manufacturing, high heat flux testing and post mortem analyses of a W-PIM mock-up 74
Comparison between FEM and high heat flux thermal fatigue testing results of ITER divertor plasma facing mock-ups 73
Design of a water cooled monoblock divertor for DEMO using Eurofer as structural material 72
Technological review of the HRP manufacturing process R&D activity 72
Eurofusion-DEMO Divertor - Cassette Design and Integration 70
High heat flux test results for a thermal break DEMO divertor target and subsequent design and manufacture development 69
Status of the ITER Divertor IVT procurement 68
Ultrasonic analysis of tungsten monoblock divertor mock-ups after high heat flux test 67
Application of tungsten-copper composite heat sink materials to plasma-facing component mock-ups 65
Nuclear analyses for the design of the ITER-like plasma facing components vertical targets of the DEMO divertor 63
Quantitative thermal imperfection definition using non-destructive infrared thermography on an advanced DEMO divertor concept 62
Insulated fixation system of plasma facing components to the divertor cassette in Eurofusion-DEMO 61
Modeling of long term effects on plasma facing components for a fusion power reactor 57
Performance assessment of high heat flux W monoblock type target using thin graded and copper interlayers for application to DEMO divertor 57
Potential and limits of water cooled divertor concepts based on monoblock design as possible candidates for a DEMO reactor 46
High-heat-flux technologies for the European demo divertor targets: State-of-the-art and a review of the latest testing campaign 34
Divertor of the European DEMO: Engineering and technologies for power exhaust 33
Microstructural evolution of tungsten under thermal loads: A comparative study between cyclic high heat flux loading and isochronous furnace heating 25
Typology of defects in DEMO divertor target mockups 25
Totale 2.462
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.490
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 16.490

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202068 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 2 0 9 2 1
2020/2021254 1 6 2 5 56 16 3 20 12 18 100 15
2021/2022367 6 89 2 21 46 33 7 80 12 8 20 43
2022/2023666 49 135 33 127 24 121 3 52 89 16 10 7
2023/2024551 21 19 60 16 62 79 16 93 57 33 31 64
2024/2025552 16 98 46 76 169 89 58 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.462