Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.045
EU - Europa 2.294
AS - Asia 1.004
SA - Sud America 93
AF - Africa 31
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 23
OC - Oceania 8
Totale 6.498
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.793
IT - Italia 670
CN - Cina 466
GB - Regno Unito 443
SE - Svezia 325
CA - Canada 251
SG - Singapore 227
DE - Germania 195
AT - Austria 161
HK - Hong Kong 160
RU - Federazione Russa 125
BR - Brasile 86
FI - Finlandia 86
FR - Francia 78
VN - Vietnam 64
BE - Belgio 60
NL - Olanda 38
CH - Svizzera 37
IN - India 24
EU - Europa 23
RO - Romania 21
GH - Ghana 17
JP - Giappone 15
UA - Ucraina 14
GR - Grecia 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
ES - Italia 8
AU - Australia 7
IR - Iran 7
MY - Malesia 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
DZ - Algeria 5
PK - Pakistan 5
TR - Turchia 5
TW - Taiwan 5
AR - Argentina 4
IE - Irlanda 4
MA - Marocco 4
KZ - Kazakistan 3
PL - Polonia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
HU - Ungheria 2
JO - Giordania 2
KR - Corea 2
LT - Lituania 2
PE - Perù 2
TN - Tunisia 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
CO - Colombia 1
GE - Georgia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MX - Messico 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PH - Filippine 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 6.498
Città #
Chandler 953
Santa Clara 265
Southend 230
Toronto 229
San Mateo 225
Boardman 205
Ashburn 161
Hong Kong 139
Singapore 132
New York 123
Vienna 117
Beijing 90
Berlin 81
Helsinki 74
Dong Ket 62
Rome 62
Milan 56
Munich 53
Brussels 48
Miami 38
Washington 36
Marseille 32
Darien 31
Las Vegas 31
Turin 29
Guangzhou 28
Redwood City 27
Trenton 27
Bologna 25
Mountain View 23
Los Angeles 22
Ann Arbor 19
Accra 15
Chicago 15
Chongqing 15
Leopoldshafen 15
Shanghai 14
Tortona 13
Amsterdam 12
Arona 12
Mcallen 12
Rockville 12
Central 11
Moscow 11
Richardson 11
Bucharest 10
Cham 10
Falls Church 10
Montréal 10
Wilmington 10
Lappeenranta 9
Serra 9
Shenzhen 9
St Petersburg 9
Tokyo 9
Jinan 8
Mol 7
Venice 7
Zhengzhou 7
Genoa 6
Ipoh 6
Naples 6
Stockholm 6
Belo Horizonte 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Leipzig 5
Lemont 5
Lissone 5
London 5
Lyon 5
Moissy-Cramayel 5
Sora 5
Taipei 5
Borås 4
Brescia 4
Central District 4
Dallas 4
Dublin 4
Edinburgh 4
Genova 4
Gurgaon 4
Mazzano Romano 4
Mississauga 4
Nanjing 4
Palermo 4
Perugia 4
Raleigh 4
San Donà di Piave 4
São Paulo 4
Taranto 4
Treviso 4
Casnate Con Bernate 3
Castel Frentano 3
Centro 3
Fasano 3
Ferrara 3
Fortaleza 3
Gatchina 3
Islamabad 3
Konya 3
Totale 4.138
Nome #
Overview on lead-cooled fast reactor design and related technologies development in ENEA 156
CIRCE experimental report 140
GEN-IV LFR development: Status & perspectives 130
Coupled simulations of natural and forced circulation tests in Nacie facility using relap5 and Ansys fluent codes 125
Helena: A heavy liquid metal multi-purpose loop for thermalhydraulics, corrosion and component test 120
CIRCE experimental set-up design and test matrix definition 113
Fusion technologies development at ENEA Brasimone Research Centre: Status and perspectives 112
CFD preliminary assessment of the ALFRED FA thermal-hydraulics 111
Development and validation of an approach and numerical models for safety analysis of FBR 108
Oxygen sensors for Heavy Liquid Metal coolants: Calibration and assessment of the minimum reading temperature 106
CFD pre-test analysis and design of the NACIE-UP BFPS fuel pin bundle simulator 102
CFD thermo-hydraulic analysis of the CIRCE fuel bundle 101
Post-test simulations for the NACIE-UP benchmark by STH codes 99
CFD analysis of flow blockage in the Alfred Fa 96
Experimental investigation on powder conductivity for the application to double wall heat exchanger (NACIE-UP) 94
Analisi di uno scenario di flow-blockage 94
Experimental fuel pin bundle characterization in the NACIE-UP HLM facility 94
Development of best estimate numerical tools for LFR design and safety analysis (2018) 92
CFD pre-test analysis of the fuel pin bundle simulator experiment in the NACIE-UP HLM facility 92
Development of best estimate numerical tools for LFR design and safety analysis 90
Blockage fuel pin simulator experiments and simulation 88
CFD benchmark for a heavy liquid metal fuel assembly 88
Numerical Analysis of Flow Blockage Phenomena in the ALFRED FA: Preliminary Study on Neutronic Feedback 87
Fuel pin bundle experimental characterization in HLM large pool system 86
Liquid metal thermal hydraulics - Outcomes of the SESAME project 86
Thermal-Hydraulic Experimental Testing of the MYRRHA Wire-Wrapped Fuel Assembly 85
Test di caratterizzazione termo-fluidodinamica sull’impianto NACIE 84
Scambiatore di calore impianto NACIE 84
Upgrade and experimental tests in the HLM facility nacie-up with a prototypical thermal flow meter 83
SOLEAD Lead Facility: From the conceptual design to the operation 83
A CFD analysis of flow blockage phenomena in alfred LFR demo fuel assembly 82
Studio di elementi metallici come oxygen getters per piombo liquido. Implementazione impianto di prova per la chimica del refrigerante BID-ONE 81
Fornitura, installazione e collaudo dell'impianto a metallo liquido pesante HELENA 80
Analisi di uno scenario di parziale congelamento del sistema primario 80
HLM fuel pin bundle experiments in the CIRCE pool facility 78
RELAP5 assessment on CIRCE decay heat removal experiments 78
Hydraulic characterization of the full scale mock-up of the demo divertor outer vertical target 78
Coupled simulations of the NACIE facility using RELAP5 and ANSYS FLUENT codes 77
Implementazione di un OCS (Oxygen Control System) per impianti a metallo liquido pesante 77
Exposure Tests of Different Materials in Liquid Lead for LFRs: Effect of the Dissolved Oxygen on Corrosion 76
Pre-test CFD analysis of the rod bundle experiment in the HLM facility NACIE-UP 76
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the DEMO WCLL elementary cell: BZ tubes layout optimization 74
A CFD analysis of flow blockage phenomena in ALFRED LFR demo fuel assembly 73
In-loop oxygen reduction in HLM thermal-hydraulic facility NACIE-UP 72
Experimental campaign on the HLM loop NACIE-UP with instrumented wire-spaced fuel pin simulator 71
Experimental tests with non-uniformly heated 19-pins fuel bundle cooled by HLM 71
Pre-test CFD simulations of the NACIE-UP BFPS test section 69
Experimental nusselt number in rod bundles cooled by heavy-liquid metals 69
Fully developed turbulent convection of Lead Bismuth Eutectic in the elementary cell of the NACIE-UP Fuel Pin Bundle 69
Main Process for the Logical Control of the HELENA loop 68
Sviluppo e validazione di un approccio e di modelli per le analisi di sicurezza di reattori veloci di IV generazione 68
CFD analyses of the internal blockage in the nacie-up fuel Pin Bundle simulator 68
Mixed convection and stratification phenomena in a heavy liquid metal pool 67
STH-CFD codes coupled calculations applied to HLM loop and pool systems 67
European outlook for LMFR thermal hydraulics 66
Progettazione preliminare di una pompa centrifuga per l'impianto a metallo liquido pesante HELENA 65
Pre-test CFD analysis of the blockage fuel pin simulator (BFPS) test section for the nacie-up facility 65
Heat transfer on HLM cooled wire-spaced fuel pin bundle simulator in the NACIE-UP facility 64
Experimental tests on the HLM facility NACIE-UP 64
Instrumentation upgrade and commissioning tests in the HLM facility 63
Fuel Assembly Flow Blockage in a LFR Reactor Core: CFD Modelling and Preliminary Numerical Analysis 62
Verbale montaggio e riempimento polveri HX impianto HELENA 62
Experimental tests and post-test analysis of non-uniformly heated 19-pins fuel bundle cooled by Heavy Liquid Metal 62
Experimental tests in the solidification facility SOLIDX 61
Specifica tecnica di fornitura e installazione del sistema di recupero del piombo dalla pompa di circolazione dell’impianto HELENA 61
RELAP5 and SIMMER-III code assessment on CIRCE decay heat removal experiments 59
Hlm fuel pin bundle characterization in circe pool facility 59
Turbulence structure and budgets in curved pipes 58
Up-Grade impianto a metallo liquido NACIE 58
Engineering challenges in high temperature liquid lead storage for concentrated solar power systems 58
Identificazione e collaudo di un sistema di misura non intrusivo per i profili di velocità in piombo. Specifica tecnica di fornitura e documentazione relativa alla installazione e collaudo 57
Specifica tecnica di fornitura ed installazione del circuito secondario ad acqua in pressione dell’impianto a metallo liquido pesante NACIE 57
Experimental activity for the investigation of mixing and thermal stratification phenomena in the circe pool facility 56
Progettazione e realizzazione di un pin bundle per l'investigazione dello scambio termico in regime di convezione mista in sistemi LFR 54
Preliminary design of a helical coil steam generator mock-up for the CIRCE facility for the development of DEMO LiPb heat exchanger 52
Post-test CFD analysis of non-uniformly heated 19-Pin Fuel Bundle cooled by HLM 50
Main process of the solidification facility SOLIDX 49
Towards validated prediction with RANS CFD of flow and heat transport in a wire-wrap fuel assembly 49
Design of a novel test section for the lead fast reactors development: The circe-thetis facility 47
Freezing of the LFR primary pool: CFD modeling and preliminary analysis on prototypical configuration 47
Specifica tecnica per la fornitura e installazione della facility SOLIDX 46
CFD optimization of the resistivity meter for the IFMIF-DONES facility 45
Progetto del Circuito secondario ad acqua in pressione dell’impianto a metallo liquido pesante HELENA 43
Progetto del circuito secondario ad acqua in pressione dell’impianto a metallo liquido pesante NACIE 38
UV-C LED sources design and characterization 29
Advanced Thermal-Hydraulic experiments and instrumentation for heavy liquid metal reactors 25
Improvement of ALFRED thermal hydraulics through experiments and numerical studies 21
Numerical analyses of the CIRCE-THETIS facility by mean of STH and CFD codes 20
Thermo-fluid dynamic analysis of HLM pool. Circe experiments 18
Totale 6.588
Categoria #
all - tutte 40.829
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 40.829

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202089 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 17 19 10 18 18
2020/2021902 38 43 11 25 199 16 20 109 53 52 229 107
2021/2022926 34 241 10 48 92 26 31 212 44 21 78 89
2022/20232.115 155 408 158 289 107 336 43 193 286 46 50 44
2023/20241.181 71 59 154 29 105 232 37 115 104 65 70 140
2024/20251.344 49 275 83 113 442 187 195 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.588